Did you know:
- Three hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute?
- One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words, according to Forrester?
- Video is 6x more effective than print and direct mail combined?
- Video is 12x more likely to be shared than hyperlinks and text combined?
There is no doubt about it; video is a compelling medium. Now is the time to jump on the bandwagon.
This blog will explore the way marketers use video, best practices in the industry, and the real reasons to put it in your marketing strategy.
Types of Promotional Videos
Save the Date
This video showcases when and where the next event (even virtual ones) will be. Have clips from the last conference displaying the high points within it.
Customer Testimonials
They should represent different personas and interests.
Sneak Peak
Every time you add a new product or service to your product line, highlight it via a video clip. Send it out in an email campaign, post it to your website and push each clip on your social channels.
Best Practices
Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating and showcasing your videos:
Start with your goals.
What do you want your videos to do? Be sure your goals are crystal clear before embarking on hiring a videographer or doing them yourself.
Keep each video short and straightforward.
According to Points Group, most individuals consume videos that are six minutes or less in length, and if an ad is before the video, it needs to be 15 seconds or less.
Also, it is essential to keep the video to one subject matter – too much material will confuse the audience and muddle the message.
Remember, all videos are not created equal.
While having a series of professional videos is essential, it is also vital to capture what is commonly referred to as “B-roll” footage. Take these types of videos (i.e., Facebook Live, Instagram Story, Periscope) and post them on your event social channels.
Four Reasons to Invest in Video
- It Increases Traffic to Your Website
According to Unbounce, video can increase landing page conversions by up to 80 percent.
- Video Create Trust
When reaching out to potential clients, it may be hard to convince them to listen to you, primarily if they have never heard of you—showing a video that can let them experience a product demo or view a customer testimonial.
- You can Reuse the Content
Unlike a live presentation, a good video can be viewed over and over again. And because Google owns YouTube, the ability to put search terms that can be indexed is key to users finding your video clips. If you want to see someone who does this very well, check out the TED Channel.
- Video Provides Emotional Appeal
Video tells a story like no medium before it. It can be a fantastic storyteller and engage the audience, which leads to a strong call to action. It can pull on your heartstrings, makes you smile, or creates a sense of wanting to do something to help.
Mulligan Management Group can Help with Your Video Strategy
Please check out and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to view all the ways we promote our services. We can help you put together the right video strategy to promote your business! Give us a call at 330.472.7673 or fill out our contact form today!